Your bike is a compact powerhouse, but you can’t ride it all the time. If you’re going to be putting your motorcycle into storage for extended periods of time, there are a few steps you should take to keep it secure and in good condition. We here at Advantage PowerSports want to help you take care of your bike, so we’ve put together some tips for storing your motorcycle. If you want to know more, or you’re on the market for a new bike altogether, contact our store in Kansas City, Missouri, today!

Wax And Wash

Dirt buildup can cause corrosion and other damage if it’s allowed to sit. Clean your bike thoroughly before you put it into storage to remove all dirt, grime, dead bugs, and other debris. It’s then important to apply a protective coat of wax to keep it from getting gross again in storage.

Oil Change

Oil goes bad over time, and if you’ve been riding a lot just before storage, it’s unlikely to be the cleanest oil in the world. Leaving stale, sludgy oil in your tank while the motorcycle is in storage puts you at risk for corrosion. Simply change the oil and the oil filter before storing to avoid any unnecessary maintenance bills.

Fuel Up And Stabilize

Gasoline can break down and separate over time, causing water buildup in the fuel tank which can freeze in low temperatures or cause rusting. Get ahead of this by filling up the tank with ethanol-free gas and some fuel stabilizer, then run the engine for a few minutes to make sure the new fuel circulates fully. If you don’t have a stabilizer, it can be better to empty the tank entirely.

Tire Check

Your motorcycle relies on good wheels to keep you safe and at top speeds. If they’re sitting for a long time, however, the part that’s on the ground can wear down faster than the rest of the tire. We recommend entirely lifting your motorcycle off its wheels if at all possible. If that isn’t an option, you should rotate the tires by a quarter rotation every few weeks.

Secure Storage

Finally, it’s vital to keep your bike safe from the elements and from sticky fingers. Ideally, you’ll have it in a climate-controlled, indoor space like a locked shed or garage, or an indoor storage facility. Even if you do get indoor storage, you’ll want a tight-fitting cover to prevent dust buildup. Either way, make sure it’s far away from prying eyes and under some sort of shelter.

We hope these tips keep your bike in one piece and ready for adventure! If you have any questions, or you’d like to see the motorcycles we have for sale, contact us at Advantage PowerSports. We proudly serve the people of Columbia and St. Joseph, Missouri—let us serve you today!